Airport Chaplaincy
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Each and every day, more than one hundred thousand people travel through Schiphol airport; people of different cultures and backgrounds. The Airport Chaplaincy is there to assist those who encounter difficulties during their journey, whatever difficulties that may be.

Together, we want to provide an ambience of peace and quiet, whenever and wherever needed, in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the airport. A place for prayer and meditation, someone to talk to, coffee, or a place to sleep. So that people can continue their path and perhaps the journey has become a little lighter for them.

What we do

Every day, a chaplain is present at the airport to provide assistance or lend a sympathetic ear to passengers. In addition, the Meditation Centre is opened daily where people of all nationalities and beliefs are welcome to pray, meditate, or just unwind. Find out more about what we do below.

In the Meditation Centre, we welcome passengers and employees who come to pray, meditate, or just unwind. Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists: all religions and beliefs are welcome here.

Who we are

Together, the foundation board, the chaplains, and the volunteers managing the Meditation Centre form the Airport Chaplaincy at Schiphol. Find out more about our team below.

Latest news


If you would like more information about the Airport Chaplaincy or if you would like to speak to one of the chaplains, you can contact them via the Airport Control Centre (+31 (0)20 601 4751). Naturally, the chaplains are also available outside office hours for emergency care. You can then contact the chaplain on duty, also via the Control Centre of the airport.

How can you reach us?

Fill in our contact form

+31 (0)20 601 4751

Vertrekpassage 1 – unit 219
1118 AP Schiphol
The Netherlands

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The Airport Chaplaincy has an ANBI status.